lunes, 27 de mayo de 2019

Structure Deck Order of the Spellcaster

Esta Baraja Estructurada es la actualización del Structure Deck Spellcaster's Command 10años después, contiene en su interior las grandiosas cartas de Endymion pendulum y una gran carta Breaker link.  
Lanzado el 19 de abril de 2019.

Structure Deck Order of the Spellcasters -SR08-
01 Endymion - the Mighty Master of Magic (UR)
02 Reflection of Endymion
03 Magister of Endymion
04 Servant of Endymion
05 Endymion - the Master Magician
06 Crusader of Endymion
07 Defender - the Magical Knight
08 Mythical Beast Cerberus
09 Mythical Beast Medusa
10 Magical Something
11 Magical Exampler
12 Magical Abductor
13 Desenchanter
14 Aprentice Magician
15 Dark Magician of Chaos
16 Fairy Tail - Luna
17 Summoner Monk
18 Spellbook Magician of Prophecy
19 Magical Undertaker
20 Magician of Faith
21 Droll & Lock Bird
22 Spell Power Mastery
23 Endymion's Lab
24 Magical Citadel of Endymion
25 Spell Power Grasp   x2
26 Arcane Barrier
27 Spellbook of Secrets
28 Spellbook of Power
29 Spellbook of Wisdom
30 Magical Blast
31 Magicla Dimension
32 Terraforming
33 Left Arm Offering
34 Pot of Desires
35 Mythical Bestiamorph
36 Pitch-Black Power Stone
37 Extra Buck
38 Gagagashield
39 Magician's Circle
40 Day-Breaker the Shining Magical Warrior (UR)
41 Dwimmmered Path (SR)

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