Serie 10 [2017-2018] (600 cards)

[Oct 2018] Soul Fusion - [Jul 2018] Cybernetic Horizon

[May 2018] Flames of Destruction - [Feb 2018] Extreme Force
[Nov 2017] Circuit Break - [Ago 2017] Code of the Duelist
*100 cards por Booster*
Serie 9 [2017-2014] (1200 cards)

Serie 8 [2014-2012] (800 cards)

Serie 7 [2012-2010] (800 cards)

Serie 6 [2010-2008] (800 cards)

[May 2010] The Shining Darkness - [Feb 2010] Absolute Powerforce
[Nov 2009] Stardust overdrive - [Sep 2009] Ancient Prophecy

[May 2009] Raging Battle - [Mar 2009] Crimson Crisis
[Nov 2008] Crossroads of Chaos - [Sep 2008] The Duelist Genesis
Serie 4 [2007-2006] (256 cards)

[Oct 2018] Soul Fusion - [Jul 2018] Cybernetic Horizon

[May 2018] Flames of Destruction - [Feb 2018] Extreme Force
[Nov 2017] Circuit Break - [Ago 2017] Code of the Duelist
*100 cards por Booster*

[May 2017] Maximum Crisis - [Feb 2017] Raging Tempest
[Nov 2016] Invasion Vengenace - [Ago 2016] The Dark Illusion

[May 2016] Shining Victories - [Ene 2016] Breakers of Shadows
[Nov 2015] Dimension of Chaos - [Ago 2015] Clash of Rebellions
[May 2015] Crossed Souls - [Ene 2015] Secrets of Eternity
[Nov 2014] The New Challenger - [Ago 2014] Duelist Alliance
*100 cards por Booster*
Serie 8 [2014-2012] (800 cards)

[May 2014] Primal Origin - [Ene 2014] Legacy of the Valiant
[Nov 2013] Shadow Specters - [Ago 2013] Judment of the Light
[May 2013] Lord of the Tachyon Galaxy - [Ene 2013] Cosmo Blazer
[Nov 2012] Abyss Rising - [Ago 2012] Return of the Duelist
*100 cards por Booster*

[May 2012] Galactic Overlord - [Ene 2012] Order of Chaos
[Nov 2011] Photon Shockwave - [Ago 2011] Generation Force

[May 2011] Extreme Victory - [Feb 2011] Storm of Ragnarok
[Nov 2010] Starstrike Blast - [Ago 2010] Duelist Revolution
*100 cards por Booster*

[May 2010] The Shining Darkness - [Feb 2010] Absolute Powerforce
[Nov 2009] Stardust overdrive - [Sep 2009] Ancient Prophecy

[May 2009] Raging Battle - [Mar 2009] Crimson Crisis
[Nov 2008] Crossroads of Chaos - [Sep 2008] The Duelist Genesis
*100 cards por Booster*
Serie 5 [2008-2007] (375 cards)
[May 2008] Light of Destruction (100) - [Feb 2008] Phantom Darkness (90)
[Nov 2007] Gladiator's Assault (95) - [Ago 2007] Tactical Evolution (90)
[Nov 2007] Gladiator's Assault (95) - [Ago 2007] Tactical Evolution (90)
[May 2007] Force of the Breaker (68) - [Feb 2007] Strike of Neos (68)
[Nov 2006] Cyberdark Impact (60) - [Ago 2006] Power of the Duelist (60)
Serie 3 [2006-2005] (360 cards)[Nov 2006] Cyberdark Impact (60) - [Ago 2006] Power of the Duelist (60)
[May 2006] Enemy of Justice - [Feb 2006] Shadow of Infinity
[Nov 2005] Elemental Energy - [Ago 2005] Cybernetic Revolution
[Jun 2005] The Lost Mellennium - [Mar 2005] Flaming Eternity
*60 cards por Booster*
[Nov 2005] Elemental Energy - [Ago 2005] Cybernetic Revolution
[Jun 2005] The Lost Mellennium - [Mar 2005] Flaming Eternity
*60 cards por Booster*
Serie 2 [2004-2003] (558 cards)

[Dic 2004] Rise of Destiny (60) - [Oct 2004] Soul of the Duelist (60)
[Jun 2004] Ancient Sanctuary (112) - [Mar 2004] Invasion of Chaos (112)
[Dic 2003] Dark Crisis (106) - [Oct 2003] Magician's Force (108)
Serie 1 [2003-2002] (493 cards)
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