Lista de los decks más utilizados por participantes de torneos oficiales Yu-Gi-Oh! Para cada deck los cuales se basan en arquetipo, se muestran las cartas mayormente agregadas a la receta.
main deck:
Zoodiac Whiptail, Zoodiac Ratpier, Speedroid Terrortop, Ghost Ogre & Snow Rabbit, Zoodiac Thoroughblade, Maxx "C", Ash Blossom & Joyous Spring, Speedroid Taketomborg, Zoodiac Ramram, Fairy Tail - Snow.
Zoodiac Barrage, Fire Formation - Tenki, Twin Twisters, Instant Fusion, My Body as a Shield, Raigeki, Pot of Desires, Cosmic Cyclone, Dark Hole, Forbidden Chalice.
Dimensional Barrier, Solemn Strike, Zoodiac Combo, Solemn Warning, Torrential Tribute.
xtra deck:
Elder Entity Norden, Metalfoes Mithrilium, Infernoid Tierra, Metalfoes Orichalc, Fullmetalfoes Alkahest.
PSY-Framelord Omega, Stardust Dragon, Stardust Charge Warrior, Scarlight Red Dragon Archfiend,
Ignister Prominence - the Blasting Dracoslayer.
Zoodiac Drident, Zoodiac Broadbull, Zoodiac Tigermortar,
Daigusto Emeral, Zoodiac Boarbow, Zoodiac Chakanine, M-X-Saber Invoker, Totem Bird, Zoodiac Hammerkong, Gagaga Samurai.
Missus Radiant.
main deck:
SPYRAL Super Agent, Ash Blossom & Joyous Spring, SPYRAL Tough, Ghost Ogre & Snow Rabbit , Droll & Lock Bird, SPYRAL Quik-Fix, SPYRAL GEAR - Drone, PSY-Framegear Gamma, Blackwing - Gofu the Vague Shadow, SPYRAL GEAR - Last Resort, SPYRAL Sleeper, SPYRAL Master Plan.
SPYRAL Resort Terraforming, SPYRAL GEAR - Big Red, Foolish Burial Goods, Double Summon, One for One, Foolish Burial, Reinforcement of the Army, Machine Duplication, Soul Charge, SPYRAL MISSION - Assault.
SPYRAL MISSION - Rescue, Evenly Matched, SPYRAL GEAR - Utility Wire, Solemn Scolding.
xtra deck:
ABC-Dragon Buster, Invoked Mechaba, Sea Monster of Theseus.
Ancient Fairy Dragon, Coral Dragon, PSY-Framelord Omega, Black Rose Dragon, Naturia Beast.
Sylvan Princessprite, Number 41: Bagooska the Terribly Tired Tapir, Lyrilusc - Recital Starling, Ghostrick Dullahan, Abyss Dweller.
SPYRAL Double Helix, Firewall Dragon, Proxy Dragon, Decode Talker, Borreload Dragon, Ib the World Chalice Priestess, Ningirsu the World Chalice Warrior, Link Spider, Gaia Saber, the Lightning Shadow, Tri-Gate Wizard.
True Draco

main deck:
Master Peace - the True Dracoslaying King, Ash Blossom & Joyous Spring, Dinomight Knight - the True Dracofighter, Zoodiac Ratpier, Zoodiac Whiptail, Zoodiac Ramram, Ghost Ogre & Snow Rabbit, Speedroid Terrortop, Ignis Heat, the True Dracowarrior, Baobaboon, Maxx "C", Majesty Maiden, the True Dracocaster.
Dragonic Diagram, Terraforming, True Draco Heritage, Zoodiac Barrage, Disciples of the True Dracophoenix, Fire Formation - Tenki, Pot of Desires, Card of Demise, Pot of Duality.
True King's Return, True Draco Apocalypse, Dimensional Barrier, Solemn Strike, Imperial Order, Skill Drain, Waterfall of Dragon Souls.
4. Magician - Pendulum
main deck:
Wisdom-Eye Magician, Performapal Skullcrobat Joker, Oafdragon Magician, Dragonpit Magician, Majespecter Unicorn - Kirin, Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon, Mist Valley Apex Avian, Purple Poison Magician, Harmonizing Magician, Double Iris Magician, Majespecter Raccoon - Bunbuku, Magical Abductor.
Pendulum Call, Wavering Eyes, Pot of Desires, Sky Iris, Terraforming, Upstart Goblin, Summoner's Art, Star Pendulumgraph.
Time Pendulumgraph, Majespecter Tempest, Solemn Warning, Majespecter Tornado.
xtra deck:
Odd-Eyes Vortex Dragon, Elder Entity Norden, Supreme King Dragon Starving Venom, Gem-Knight Seraphinite, ABC-Dragon Buster, Supreme King Z-ARC.
Ignister Prominence, the Blasting Dracoslayer, PSY-Framelord Omega, Odd-Eyes Meteorburst Dragon, Supreme King Dragon Clear Wing.
Abyss Dweller, Performage Trapeze Magician, Odd-Eyes Absolute Dragon, Castel, the Skyblaster Musketeer, Number 39: Utopia, Odd-Eyes Rebellion Dragon, Number S39: Utopia the Lightning, Number 11: Big Eye, Timestar Magician.
Decode Talker, SPYRAL Double Helix, Akashic Magician.
5. Trickstar
6. Zombie
7. True King Dino
8. Paleozoic
9. Invoked Windwitch